Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T10T: Scary to Marry?

Yes, the day is getting closer. If you haven't heard, the wedding is 25 days and counting. Check out the website for some awesome photos and other cool stuff. But as the day gets closer I think upon things that worry or scare me slightly about being married. So here are my Top 10 Apprehensions About Marriage.

#10 Being Responsible. If you know me at all, I am not always the most responsible however now responsibility is calling. 
#9 Budgeting: never really done it. 

# 8 Sharing a bathroom with a girl: never really done it.
#7 Sharing a closet: done it before, but when it comes to clothes I realized I have way more clothes than I need and can't even contain them all in a closet right now by myself.
#6 Being responsible for the spiritual and physical well being of my family.
#5 Officially becoming a grown up, so long childhood!
#4 Who will do the cooking?
#3 Eating healthier
#2 Having to share a bed. I can be a violent sleeper often thrashing about and flailing my arms; someone might lose an eye.



AdamCook said...

5 days!

AdamCook said...

i know youre married now and have more responsibilities.... whatever that means, but you've been lacking in the blogging realm