Monday, November 26, 2007

Way Too Long

Well....I first must apologize to all of my faithful readers out there for there being so much time between posts. I have not given up or lost my interest in blogging, but I am a very routine oriented person and with the holiday among other things my routine had not been the same during my blogging times but I will be sure to make up for it this week so try and keep up. So much has been going on over the last two weeks, my nephew Braden is doing very well. Thanksgiving break was great, going home for a few days and on Thursday I was able to attend the Kell family thanksgiving which was very enjoyable. Along with food and family it included four wheelers, football, and friends. Alliteration, all F's didn't even mean to do that.

Another event that I feel compelled to write about is my viewing of a movie on Friday night. August Rush is Oscar worthy and a very enjoyable movie. Going into the movie with little or no expectations and knowing very little about the plot of the movie I was very pleasantly surprised. Starting off slow and myself already tired from an early start on shopping that morning I was very inattentive and dosing off through the first part of the movie however after 15-20 min my attention had been regained and I was drawn further and further into the movie and the life of August Rush. A great performance from Robin Williams and a breathtaking job by Keri Russell was not enough to take the attention away from brilliant rising star Freddie Highmore's magnificent performance. Also Jonathan Rhys Meyers portrayed in a wonderful way as a struggling musician and a love lost wanderer. Go see the movie and enjoy the well written first major role was and overall GOOD movie.

And remember, "The Music is everywhere, You just have to listen."


AdamCook said...

mmm... cant wait to seeee that... still have no idea what its about but im ok with that, id rather go into it with no expectations or preconceived notions.

the McWhorters said...

agreed. good movie - I'll compare it to October Sky because when you leave this one you want to pick up an instrument just like in Octobery Sky you wanted to pick up rocket science and make a difference in the world. Plus the mom is hot.

Anonymous said...

good review! it was a great movie. i can't wait to see it again. and congrats to you and hillary. wow! that is awesome!

liz (not josh*)