Monday, July 21, 2008

Favorite Past Time: Boxcar Children

Well....I continue my series of some of my favorite pastimes of growing up. It may not come as a surprise to many of you but I was a reader. When I say I was a reader I don't mean I read a book every now and then but I was reading one or two books per week. These books weren't exactly Dr. Seuss books either. By the time I was in junior high, I was reading the likes of Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, and my favorite John Grisham. However the series that got me hooked on books is the Boxcar Children series. This series written by Gertrude Chandler Warner got me hooked and I read book after book. I could not put this series down. As soon as I finished one I would start the next. As best as my memory allows, my favorite book was the third one in the series titled The Yellow House Mystery. If you are ever looking for an easy read, pick one up. It shouldn't take you long to finish and you may just find a new favorite past time.


Anonymous said...

That little boy looking in the window looks kinda like you... not as cute though. Love you

janelle said...

ok, the boxcar children were my FAVORITE! i still have the first book and it's all beat up because i read it so much and i used to wish i was forced to live in a boxcar and fend for myself like the kids did. i need to go re-read it, it's been too long!

maybe we should start a boxcar children book club : )

Justin Blomgren said...

I miss TRR. We should've gone through at least one boxcar children book. What were we thinking?

Beth said...

by far some of the best books ever written!