Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where in the World??

Well....So much has gone on since our last contact. This semester is shaping up to be a very busy one so I am still looking for that consistent time when I can post. The Macworld Expo came and went. I know the feelings are mixed about it but can't we all just be like kids on Christmas morning and be excited regardless. Innovations were revealed that are quite remarkable. My brother put together a very well done review of the Expo so go check that out. I have had some questions about my hit counter. I cannot take credit for it because I did not find it on my own but it was shown to me by a friend on his page and he instructed me how to go about getting one of my own. Thanks Jeremy! I use Clustrmaps for my counter and what is really cool about it is the visual aid of seeing where everyone that visits your page is located. At first it can be discouraging but give it time and it will grow and spread across the country and eventually the world. I just think it is really cool to see how connected the world really is and how easy it is to be in contact and influence those not in your immediate circle of influence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. love the pictures.

if you want more counter/map/visiter info, i heartily suggest google analytics.

have a great weekend pal.