Thursday, June 5, 2008

Currently Reading

Well...following the trend of my last post, I want to introduce to all of my readers a new part of my blog. On the right side of your screen you will now see throughout the rest of the summer a section titled: Currently Reading. This will be a picture of the book that I am currently reading. By clicking on the picture it will take you to a description of the book. Now everyone can enjoy the books that I am reading. On a side note today is a very sad and gloomy Thursday. There will be no watching of LOST or The Office.


Casey said...

I'm not thinking about next season of Lost yet...still too much going on in my head from last season.

Eric McFarland said...

i watched a few episodes of LOST a few days ago from season 2. i still haven't watched everything... i should though. so i can be on the same page as everyone ha.

john sachs said...

that's a good idea. nice thinking. I might just do something like that too.